Priscilla was up with the roosters this morning (which really isn't that informative-- contrary to popular belief, chickens are wild partyers, and roosters in particular like to stay out late and crow at all hours of the night, then nap for a while, and then they crow in the daytime, too). Specifically, Priscilla left John & Millie's place at 7:30 this morning, and set out for a gas station they'd told her about, as it was reputed to serve excellent tea. The tea was indeed tasty, and the gas station itself was full of nice people. Priscilla was talking to one fellow patron about her trip and the gobs of ways God has provided for her through it, when another customer walked in, overheard, and was all "hey, the same thing keeps happening to me!" So that was cool.
Then Priscilla saddled up Woodrow (who had taken to neighing and rearing like a horse, inspired by his stablemates last night, I suppose), and took off. She pedaled for a mile, or maybe two, tops, when KABLOOIE! One of Woodrow's tires blew out! Not good. (Oh, and for those who, unlike me, know what beading is, she had totally checked it, so there.) There was nothing for it but to look for a ride to the nearest bike shop. And it took a little while, but not a dreadfully long while, and then along came Jojo. He works at a horse farm, and was delivering hay, and had just enough room for Woodrow in the back. So he kindly gave Priscilla a ride to Paris (not the Paris, obviously... ). They stopped at the farm to drop off the hay, and eventualloy arrived in Paris, where he let her out at a Canadian Tire store, as there were no bike shops to be had. Priscilla thanked him and said goodbye, and headed into the store. Canadian Tire is really geared more toward cars, but it did have a tire to fit Woodrow, so Priscilla bought it. She put the new tire on, pumped up both tires and... realized that she'd left a bag and her helmet and sunglasses in the back of Jojo's car! Without a helmet, she couldn't bike at all! (And if you're thinking, yes, you can bike without a helmet, you're wrong-- you can't. So don't try.) What could she do? She called Jojo's house, got the answering machine, and left a message. And five minutes later, Jojo himself arrived, in his car, Prisky's gear in tow. He gave it to her, she thanked him profusely, and at long last she was biking again.
She biked for the rest of the morning, stopping at Woodstock (not the Woodstock, either). There she sat down to wait for her brother, Mark. Six minutes later he drove up. He'd had computer problems and other snafus this morning and thus had arrived an hour late-- but of course Priscilla had arrived 54 minutes late, so it worked out pretty well. They loaded Woodrow into the trunk, made a small detour to Tim Horton's to stockpile some of the scrumptious muffins sold there, and headed to Mark's place in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Priscilla is spending the weekend with him and his family (and off to a nice start-- she was already baking an apple tart earlier this evening), and then continuing her trek on Monday.
Maintenant en francais:
Priscilla s'est reveille tres tot ce matin et elle est parti a 7h30. John et Millie l'avait parle d'une station service pas loin de chez eux ou on peut trouver du bon the. Elle s'y est rendu, et le the etait aussi delicieux que promis. Dans la station, elle a discute avec un mec qui etait la-- de son voyage, de la provision de Dieu tout au long de route-- quand une fille est entre, a entendu leurs propos, et a dit "moi aussi, il me provient tout ce dont j'ai besoin aussi, et parfaitement a l'heure!" Sympa, non?
Ensuite Priscilla a pris Woodrow (le velo) et ils ont roule deux ou trois kilometres quand BLAM! Crevaison, mais pas un simple ou on peut le reparer. Le pneu etait carrement detruit-- rien a faire sauf trouve un magasin ou garage ou quoi qui s'occupe de velos. Mais pour y aller, il faut transporter le velo.... Heureusement, Jojo est bientot arrive. Il travaille avec les chevaux, et il avait pas mal de place dans son camion ou auto ou quoi. Il a mit Woodrow dedans, Priscilla aussi et ils sont partis... d'abord pour la ferme, ou ils ont depose du foin, et ensuite pour Paris (pas le Paris, evidemment) ou il a depose Priscilla et Woodrow a Canadian Tire. Priscilla a trouve et achete un pneu qui convient a Woodrow, elle l'a mit sur lui au lieu du pneu detruit, elle a mis un peu d'air dans les deux pneus.... et elle s'est rendu comte que sa casquette, ses lunettes de soleil (avec le retroviseur) et un de ses sacs etaient toujours dans la voiture de Jojo. Quelle catastrophe! Alors, elle a appele Jojo, laisse un message, et quelques moments plus tard Jojo est arrive. Il l'a passe ses affaires, elle lui a raconte sa reconnaissance, et il est parti de nouveau. Elle aussi, cette fois enfin sur Woodrow.
Elle a roule pendant le reste du matinee, et a arrete a Woodstock (mais pas le Woodstock non plus). La elle est descendu, et 6 minutes plus tard, son frere, Mark, est arrive. Car elle passe le weekend chez lui et sa famille a Ann Arbor, Michigan. Donc ils ont mit Woodrow dans sa voiture, et ils sont alle a la maison. Priscilla faisait deja une tarte aux pommes se soir, et lundi elle a l'intention de continuersa voyage.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
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ben says you can get those tires warrantied.