Yeah, I'm not kidding, Priscilla is totally in Hicksville tonight. She set out from Ann Arbor this morning, rode for about 11 hours (although she did stop a few times), and covered 104 stinkin' miles, bringing her to Hicksville, Ohio. She was chased by a dozen dogs with short legs (albeit not all at once-- that would have been a sight-- and one particular dog chased her on three separate occasions, thanks to a forgotten map), and finished up her ride under a huge orange moon like a wheel of Colby cheese, the man in the moon smiling ecstatically.
She set up camp in some kind Hicksville resident's back yard, and began preparing her dinner. First she walked over to a gas station to score some hot water (the quicker to cook her pasta) but only got very warm water from the bathroom sink. Back at the tent, she was joined by a small cat who was very curious about Priscilla's cooking. And it was some truly curious cooking! The grass nearly caught fire, the kitty's whiskers got singed and curled up, Priscilla's hair got a little singed as well... but eventually the pasta was cooked (with some foul yet protein rich Vienna sausages from a can) and the stove was blown out. The cat was shooed away to find its own dinner, and Priscilla ate hers, and prepared for bed. Tune in tomorrow for her trip to Indiana.
Eh oui, Priscilla reste a Hicksville, Ohio ce soir. Un drole de nom pour une drole de ville (ben, j'imagine). Elle a quitte Ann Arbor vers 8h15 ce matin, et est passe 11 heures sur la route, pendant lesquelles elle a couvert 104 miles (bien plus en kilometres). 12 chiens aux jambes courts l'ont poursuivi (pas tous a la fois, mais l'un d'eux la suivi sur 3 occasions differents). Elle a fini sous la lumiere d'une lune enorme et orange, style fromage Colby.
Elle fait du camping dans le jardin de gentils gens de Hicksville. Elle est alle au station service pour obtenir de l'eau chaud (pour un cuisson plus rapide des pates), mais n'a trouve que d'eau un tout petit peu chaud dans le WC. De retour au tente, elle a ete joint par un petit chat, qui regardait de tres pres ledit cuisson... et s'est fait brule les moustaches. Solidaire, Priscilla s'est brule un tout petit meche de cheveux et a failli brule un peu de l'herbe... mais enfin les pates etait cuits (avec de saucissons berk mais rempli de proteines), le four eteint, le chat mit dehors la tente et Priscilla dedans... elle a mange et puis s'est prepare a se coucher. Demain elle fait route vers l'Indiana!
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