Today's title is brought to you by my nemesis, country music sensation and admirable philanthropist Willie Nelson. I would have liked to sprinkle twangy country music notes across this post, but I'm just not that clever. (sigh) Despite growing up in the country, I did not grow up listening to Willie Nelson or cow-tipping. Priscilla informed me that the narcoleptic tractor scene in Cars was actually more about tractor-tipping. Huh. I had heard of cow-tipping, but I always imagined the cows being tipped sideways, not up-ended like the tractors in the movie. It seems like it would be hard to balance them like that.
So yes, Priscilla is on the road again, after spending Sunday (and baking apple pie!) with the fabulous people you see above-- her hosts, shown at top, are Edy, Sharon, Pam, and Joe. Can you see the friendliness shining out from them? Well, squint then. I can totally see it. From Gail, too, in the bottom picture. She has a bakery in Abbott Village and was very kind to Priscilla, very impressed by her trip, and ever so happy to hear of the kindness of the many other people she's encountered along the way.
This morning Priscilla said goodbye to her new friends, lubed Woodrow's chain, and set out. Around lunch time she stopped at a ... well, somewhere. It might have been a store. Whatever it was, it was staffed with helpful and courteous employees who generously let Priscilla use the internet, and found a guy to fix a couple of things on Woodrow. He wasn't totally able to fix those things (it wasn't a bike shop), but he did also lube Woodrow's chain and de-squeak the rack (it had been loose and squeaky, now it's not-- well, still not quite right, but quieter).
Priscilla thanked the store guys and set off again, right through the heart of Moose Country. Oh, yeah! In case you didn't know, Moose Country is just swarming with moose. Flocks, herds and teeming crowds of moose. Acres of them as far as the eye can see. All day long people told her "OK, when you round the next bend, there will be some trees off to the side, and if you look just behind them, you'll see a moose," or "See the top of that hill coming up? Right after the crest you'll find a meadow, and you'll definitely find a moose there," or "Well, lass, about a mile ahead the road goes between two bogs, and if you stop and look off in the distance beyond the larger bog, you'll see a moose. For sure." Well, Priscilla saw exactly two moose today. One was dead on a truck, the other was a statue with wings. I'm thinking the Moose Country folk are in cahoots with the Nova Scotians. The Nova Scotians called all their Maine friends last week and said "Hey, guys, there's this chick coming on a bike, and we totally fooled her with the Nova-Scotia-is-flat shpiel. You should so tell her the a-real-live-actual-moose-lives-right-over-there thing. She's sure to fall for it."
Despite the fishy lack of moose, Priscilla sailed on down and up the hilly roads to Rockwood, where she knocked on a door and found her charming host for tonight. Now she's probably staying up late to watch Rocky and Bullwinkle re-runs, but hopefully she'll get a bit of sleep because she's off for Quebec tomorrow.
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