So remember how Priscilla camped in the yard of some nice family last night? Well, I don't have a picture of them, but I do have a picture of their blue house. They were very helpful, found a nice flat spot for her tent, and invited her in for a supper of sloppy joes and tater tots and fries and interesting conversation. This morning she told them goodbye (one of them was Steven, one was... darn, I forgot the others, but for now we'll just call them Mrs. Steven & their daughter Stevenette and a baby, Lil' Stevie, maybe), and set out.
The riding today wasn't so pleasant-- very very windy (and in the wrong direction, too) and very very very hilly. And not just a lot of hills, but steep! On one hill she had to bike zig-zag style just to make it to the top. The memories of Nova Scotia look downright flat in comparison. It was also rainy in the morning, which is less nice when you're a biker (as opposed to, say, a thirsty plant-- thirsty plants just love rain).
But the view remained gorgeous, and maybe even grew a little gorgeous-er, and in the afternoon the roads dried out. Priscilla also found more wild apple trees from which she plucked more wild and crazy apples. One of the trees was dangling its apples tantalizingly out of reach, so she climbed it and got the apples anyway (Priscilla 1, That Apple Tree 0). You saw Priscilla's apple collection in one of the photos at the top.
Still, after about 42 miles Priscilla was pooped, so she decided to stop in Lee instead of Lagrange. There she found a house that looked promising. She knocked on the door and a lady opened it. Priscilla explained that she was biking through and asked if she could camp in the yard. The lady looked at her. "You're not an ax murderer, are you?" she asked. Priscilla smiled. "Not so far," she replied. And so the lady told Priscilla she could certainly camp in the yard, and welcomed her into the house too... I'm a little sleepy & forgetful tonight, so I'm sketchy on the details. The kind lady and her daughter (very kind too) are in another one of those pictures above.
Their actual names were Steven, Melissa, Kendra, Sarah, Jake (Sarah's boyfriend), and Kimberly (sarah's 18 month old 'sweet' girl)