Saturday, September 5, 2009

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Biker

Priscilla called this morning from onboard a real live Australian ferry, eating some bacon for breakfast and getting ready to set sail for Nova Scotia-- I even heard the foghorn blow over the phone (and it had an authentic Australian accent-- who knew?)! She was very excited about the whole ferry business ("I'm so excited! I'm on a ferry! Seriously."), and in the middle of our conversation saw a five story cruiseship float past ("It's just like Love Boat!").

She slept well enough and was unbothered by all but a mosquito that bit her right on the tip of her nose. Her bedroom was, alas, a patch of grass behind some shrubs. Her view from said bedroom was considerably more impressive (see photo). Maybe the Portland Park District will read this blog, notice the fantabulous view, start marketing the patch of grass + sunrise as a luxury campsite, and end up inundated with cash. Then they'll be able to save, at the last minute, some very worthy children's program (Tap-Dancing for Tots, say) that was on the verge of collapse, and perhaps one of the tots will go on to be a world famous tap-dancing phenomenon and philanthropist who will look back and say "Well, folks, if it hadn't been for that plucky bicyclist Priscilla and her apt campsite scouting..."
She has been very much enjoying the view ("Wow! It's so beautiful! If nothing else, I'm just glad I'm here to enjoy the scenery!") and texted later to say she'd arrived at her destination (a right proper campground tonight by the Meteghan River) but that it had taken a little longer than she originally expected. Nova Scotia is rather windy and hilly so far, but rather gorgeous if the sunset photo in the text is any indication. I'd share that one with you as well, but it's on my phone and I don't know how to get it off.

Now that she's in Canada, it's somewhat expensive for her to call and send texts. Receiving texts is free (so text away if you like), and she's hoping to buy a calling card soon.
Correction: She didn't really necessarily coast for 17 minutes. There was a wee misunderstanding with the bike computer. Sorry.

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